Do you love nature? Are you looking for meaningful opportunities to learn more about nature and to share your love of nature with others?

We are always looking for people like you!

The strength of Allan Brooks Nature Centre is in our volunteer supporters and donors, in fact we couldn’t do it without you! We are grateful for the many hundreds of hours of volunteer contributions we receive each year, which helps to sustain our public programming, bringing nature interpretive experiences, events and programs to life for youth and their families in our community.

Even a small contribution can make a big impact at ABNC, and there is a wide range of flexible opportunities for those wanting to make a contribution! We provide orientation and training for all new and returning volunteers throughout the year.

If you would like more information or to express your interest in current or upcoming opportunities, please email [email protected] or give us a call 250.260.4227. Thank you for your consideration – we look forward to hearing from you!

APPLY NOW by completing our online form!

We are currently looking for volunteers for the following opportunities:

Worker Bees

Our Worker Bees are simply volunteers that help the Allan Brooks Nature Centre get set up or torn-down for each season! This involves some light and heavy lifting, along with power tools and some painting activities. Come prepared to get dusty and have some fun!

2024 Set-up Worker Bees: Early April 2024. 9am-2pm (at the latest).

2024 Tear-down Worker Bees: October 28, 2024. 10am-1pm (at the latest).

Contact [email protected] to sign-up and help us out – many hands make light work! 

Grassland Warriors (Guardians of the Grasslands)

Did you know that BC has less than 1% of natural grassland habitats remaining??

Our Grassland Warrior volunteers protect and maintain the endangered grasslands around the Nature Centre and learn about the importance of grasslands as a local ecosystem. 

This role requires no commitment and no sign-up is required! Simply show up alone, with friends or coworkers any Wed, Fri or Sat (between April and September 2024) from 9-11am! We’ll assign you a season-specific noxious weed(s) to focus on, and provide all required materials for the task (gloves, kneepads, bags, tools etc…)!

Contact [email protected] for more information or for questions!

Field Trip Leader

Our Field Trip leaders provide leadership and support to our staff and young learners, in activities and lessons that promote learning about animals, habitats or environmental concerns. 

These roles run all year from April to October, typically during the weekdays.  The field trips can take place either onsite at ABNC or offsite at schools or other outdoor locations.

Contact [email protected] to sign up and to start your mandatory security clearance process. This role doesn’t require a minimum commitment time, or sign-ups – we work with YOUR schedule!

Front Desk/Visitor Services

Our Visitor Services volunteers welcome visitors to the Nature Centre at the front desk, answer the phones and accept payments for gift shop items. If time allows, volunteers will share a brief history of Allan Brooks, and provide fun & exciting facts to our visitors about our local animals, exhibits and environment! 

No previous experience required – all training and information is provided. One shift guided by a staff member is required prior to individual scheduling. Security Clearance is mandatory for this role. Contact [email protected] to sign-up and get the process started!