Supervision: We strongly recommend that all children be under adult supervision at all times and kindly ask all visitors to respect the facilities we have worked so hard to create. We have noticed that unsupervised students have a tendency to climb on fences, railings, rocks, and on the naturescape garden beds.
The trail is for pedestrian traffic only so please be considerate of others on the trail. Walking allows visitors to see and discover the wonders of nature more fully. The trail is wheelchair accessible from the southern parking lot.
Please – no Dogs or Pets. We have successfully restored the grasslands for populations of Marmots, Spadefoot Toads, Gopher Snakes and Bluebirds. Domestic animals disrupt this delicate environment in all seasons. Please leave your pets at home.
Put trash in its place: Trash receptacles are located both inside and outside the Nature Centre. We also have recycling bins.
The whole site is a non-smoking environment. The dry grasslands during summer’s heat can easily catch fire, so please use caution and avoid smoking.
Please, do not remove any material from the site.
Nature interpreters are well trained and equipped to handle a variety of situations. They know best about the hazards of plant and animal life, terrain, and weather conditions. Their decisions to touch or not to touch, capture a critter or not, and so on, are to be followed by all visitors.
Collection: Please, do not remove any material from the site. In this environment, we are all visitors. We are guests in the home of the plants and animals living around the Nature Centre. As guests we are welcome to admire this home and study it-however, we try to leave it as we found it.
Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints.