Be a part of our growing community of members that value nature, support varied events, public programming, educational displays, workshops, and kids camps at Allan Brooks Nature Centre.
- Adult
- Seniors (65+)
- Family (For Family of 4)
- Not-For-Profit Organization
- $35.00 per year
- $30.00 per year
- $60.00 per year
- $150.00 per year
Benefits of Membership
Standard Benefits:
- A tax receipt for $20.00
- 10% off special events & workshops (some excepts may apply)
- 10% discount in our Nature Shop
- FREE Trail Tour Admission (regular price $5 per person)
- Exclusive invitations to Member and Volunteer-only Special Events
- Receive the Viewpoint Newsletters
- Voting rights at the Society’s AGM (one vote per member/family/2 votes for corporate members)
Additional Benefits:
- 10% off purchases at Monashees Outdoors (Armstrong)
Family Membership benefits also include:
- 15% off Nature Summer Camps
- 15% off Birthday Party bookings
Join ABNC using our secure online registration system on this page.
Consider becoming a Volunteer and earn your individual Membership for free after 15 hours of active support!