Invite an ABNC Interpreter to join you at your organization! We can bring exciting nature programming right to you!
Length: 1 hour
Cost: $110 (max 30 participants) *Outside City of Vernon travel fees will be charged at $0.60/km*
Availability: Year- round
Program Options:
Bats Out of the Darkness – Discover the fascinating lives of bats in British Columbia and how essential they are to the environment. Uncover common bat myths, examine bat specimens up close and learn how you can help bats!
Owls of B.C. – Learn all about the owls that call British Columbia home and their amazing adaptations! Get an up close look at an owl’s natural features that are used for hunting, learn how to recognize the calls of different owl species and become a ‘field biologist’ by dissecting an owl pellet. **Fee of $130, due to cost of owl pellets***
Who’s Who of Wildlife – Bears, beavers and cougars, oh my! Learn about the different animals that live in the North Okanagan and have a chance to see their skulls and furs up close.
Watershed Exploration – Everyone in the world lives in a watershed! Using our hands-on model students are able to learn what a watershed is and experience first-hand how nonpoint source pollution is created and moves into streams via stormwater runoff. Participants will learn what watershed they live in, and take part in an activity to highlight the importance of water for all creatures.
*Let us know if you would like to request a certain topic or to run a series! Programs can also be offered at ABNC*